Date and Time
Friday Aug 25, 2023 Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Friday August 25th 6 to 8 pm, Saturday August 26th from 9 to 2 pm
815 W Washington St in Sequim
All clothing and accesories are offered free
Contact Information
Sharon Ryan
Send Email
A Wear & Share event for the whole family will be held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Sequim. Lightly used clothing, shoes, and accessories will be available, free. Please bring your own shopping bags to gather the items you need for babies, children, youth, men, and women. Those who would like to donate items that are clean, free of tears or stains, and lightly worn, may bring them to the Church at 815 W Washington St on Thursday the 24th at 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Friday the 25th from 9 to noon. Of particular need are clothes for school age children and youth. You are encouraged to stay to help sort and fold your donated items with women from the Relief Society.