Date and Time
Saturday Feb 24, 2024
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM PST
Saturday, February 24 from 10:30 am to 12 noon
Lazy J Farm at 225 Gehrke Road in Port Angeles
Contact Information
Clallam County Master Gardeners
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by Jeanette Stehr-Green and Audreen Williams, Clallam County Master Gardeners There are 2 sessions. Both sessions go over the same objectives. Date/Time/Place • Saturday, February 10 from 10:30 am to 12 noon at the Fifth Street Community Garden at 328 East Fifth Street in Port Angeles Space is limited. Please register at the Clallam County Master Garden Extension Calendar at: • Saturday, February 24 from 10:30 am to 12 noon at the Lazy J Farm at 225 Gehrke Road in Port Angeles Space is limited. Please register at the Clallam County Master Garden Extension Calendar at: Research has shown that when blueberry plants are not pruned or are pruned too lightly, they fail to develop strong wood and become less productive. Blueberry growers need to establish an annual pruning regimen to remove old and diseased canes, encourage the growth and development of strong new canes, and ultimately increase the blueberry harvest. After hearing this presentation, participants will be able to: • Describe the typical growth pattern of a blueberry cane. • Recognize blueberry canes of different ages. • Outline a systematic approach to pruning. • List considerations for pruning different varieties of blueberries or blueberry bushes that have been neglected. Late winter is the best time to prune blueberries. Blueberry growers will be able to apply what they learn soon after the presentation. With implementation of an annual pruning regimen, the gardener’s blueberry bushes will be happier and healthier and produce bigger and better berries Jeanette Stehr-Green has been a Clallam County Master Gardener since 2003. Jeanette writes gardening articles for local newspapers and is a frequent speaker at Master Gardener and other educational events. Jeanette was the 2012 Clallam County Master Gardener of the Year and has attained the Lifetime Achievement status with Clallam County Master Gardeners. She also has received the WSU Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award. Audreen Williams has been a Clallam County Master Gardener since 2012. Her favorite Master Gardener activities occur at the Fifth Street Community Garden in Port Angeles where she oversees the Master Gardener plots, assists the 4-H Garden Club, and coordinates the Second Saturday Garden Walks. Audreen was the 2014 and 2019 Master Gardener of the Year. She has attained the Lifetime Achievement status with Clallam County Master Gardeners. Jeanette has completed Oregon State University's Online Blueberry School. Both Jeanette and Audreen have completed the OSU online course “Pruning Blueberry for Growth, Yield, and Quality” and have many years of experience growing berries of all types.