Date and Time
Sunday Jun 11, 2023
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM PDT
Sunday June 11th at 3:00 PM
James Center for the Performing Arts (in north Carrie Blake Park, 506 N Blake Ave, Sequim WA)
FREE!! Includes free on-site parking
Contact Information
Phone: 360-207-4722
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This special concert includes a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new music rehearsal hall and post-concert tours for the audience. Concert pieces echo the excitement of the musicians to be able to rehearse in a state-of-art facility. Pieces with energetic melodies and driving rhythms include a medley of Elton John songs, the contemporary “Flashing Winds” and “The Country Club Stomp”, and a modern arrangement of “Way Down Yonder in New Orleans”. Bring your lawn chair or blanket and find a spot in front of the stage to enjoy the afternoon concert. Then stay for “a peek inside” to tour the new rehearsal hall.