Date and Time
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM PDT
Check-in is at 11:30
Lunch will be served at 11:50 AM.
Sunland Golf Club
109 Hilltop Drive
Sequim, WA
$10 Registration for Program, includes beverage service
$15 to Add Chef's Choice Lunch per Attendee
You MUST register and pay for the luncheon prior to the event. No payments will be accepted at the door.
Contact Information
Sequim-Dungeness Valley Chamber of Commerce
Send Email

Our July luncheon features a presentation by Linda Spreine with Project Lifesaver, a service deployed by our law enforcement agencies to help keep our citizens with dementia diseases safe, should they walk away from their home or caregiver unattended.
Dungeness Courte Memory Care is our sponsor for this month, with Jan Orr sharing news about their dementia care and programs for family members who wish to learn more about the diseases that their elders are facing.
Lunch menu includes club sandwiches, potato salad and watermelon, prepared by Chef Nicholas.
We meet at Sunland Golf Club and the doors open at 11:30.