Date and Time
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM PDT
Check-in is at 11:30
Lunch will be served at 11:50 AM.
Pioneer Memorial Park
387 E. Washington Street
$10 Registration for Program, includes beverage service
$15 to Add Chef's Choice Lunch per Attendee
You MUST register and pay for the luncheon prior to the event. No payments will be accepted at the door.
Contact Information
Sequim-Dungeness Valley Chamber of Commerce
Send Email

August 22nd, we hold our annual Picnic in the Park at Pioneer Park!
We will be ready to welcome you to this perfect summer location at 11:30 and will serve a buffet of fried chicken and summer-time favorite salads starting at 12:00. And we never forget dessert - come and sample something sweet by That Takes the Cake, too!
Please bring your announcements to share, and we will share our events schedule with you for the fall months.
Stay tuned for our featured members at this event - we are planning for a fun time with all of you!