Date and Time
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PDT
4/13/23 12-1 pm
Clallam County Courthouse Commissioners’ Room, 223 E. 4th Street in Port Angeles.
Contact Information
Contact Person: Harmony Rutter
Phone: 360-565-2678
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Is there a trouble spot in your garden that’s a little overgrown, too shady or needs more color? Join Clallam County Master Gardeners Bev Dawson and Marilynn Elliott for the Green Thumb Education Series “Garden Design: Two Views, Old and New” and find out how to turn a boring plot of land into a gracious oasis using thoughtful landscaping techniques. Bev and Marilynn will give insights on how to revamp a weary garden with simple, and not-too-time-consuming or costly ways for improvement. With the use of landscaping before-and-after pictures, they will focus on the planning, evaluation and execution needed to turn a plain piece of property into "your garden." Bev and Marilynn will help you evaluate your garden’s assets, features, problem areas and challenges to help you make the right decisions to turn your garden into the place where you can enjoy your days and evenings. “Sometimes just moving a plant to a different location can make all the difference in how your garden feels…it is often said that a garden is a ‘work in progress’,” Marilynn said. Bev is a gardener focused on flowers and shrubs who originally hailed from California, “I had to learn about the Northwest. From my mistakes and successes, I realized it (a garden) is never truly done.” Bev retired in 2001 as the CEO of a large community credit union in El Centro, California, and during her five years of being a nomad, she and her husband Glenn discovered the beautiful Olympic Peninsula. She influenced her daughters and their families to relocate here, as did she in 2006. Bev and her family turned an un-landscaped acre that was once a Christmas tree farm into a property featured on the 2012 Petals and Pathways Tour. Bev became a Master Gardener in 2010, is very active in the Port Angeles Garden Club and holds plant sales for the club in her backyard. She loves to propagate and divide her many coveted plants. Bev finds that the many facets of the Master Gardener Programs complement and enrich her community activities and personal gardening. Marilynn became a Master Gardener in 2003 and delved into both WSU and Foundation programs. She’s been very active in the Petals and Pathways Garden Tour and has served in many capacities including as chairperson, a docent and as a homeowner whose garden was featured in the 2013 tour. As a former teacher, helping to teach second graders about plants and seeds came naturally for Marilynn as a presenter for the Youth Enrichment Program (YEP). She’s also spent hundreds of hours working at the Woodcock Demonstration Garden; recorded radio presentations for KSQM-FM; and has given two seminars at the State Convention. Marilyn has contributed over 6,500 volunteer hours and was recently awarded the 20-Year Pin for her service as a Master Gardener. The Green Thumb Education Series presentation “Garden Design: Two Views, Old and New” will be held in person on Thursday, April 13th from noon – 1:00 p.m. at the Clallam County Courthouse Commissioners’ Room, 223 E. 4th Street in Port Angeles. Or you may join via Zoom from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Meeting ID: 936 2989 8830 Passcode: 676224 Or join by phone: 253-215-8782 The Green Thumb Education Series, sponsored by the Washington State University Clallam County Master Gardeners, is held on the second and fourth Thursday of each month through October. In November, December, and January, one lecture is offered. Scheduled presentations are subject to change. Visit the WSU Extension Clallam County website calendar for the latest information on upcoming presentations. For questions, call 360-565-2678.