Date and Time
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST
1/25/24 12-1 PM
St. Andrews Episcopal Church, 510 E. Park Avenue in Port Angeles
Contact Information
Harmony Rutter
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Winter may be in full swing, but if you want happy, healthy fruit trees and shrubs, now is the time to think about mitigating pests and plant diseases. One way to help keep them fit is by using horticultural oils—petroleum and plant-based alternatives to conventional pesticides. Join Clallam County Master Gardener Bob Cain for the Green Thumb Education Series presentation “Horticultural Oils” to find out how they can help keep pests at bay. Bob will discuss where horticultural oils come from, who manufactures them and their application for a wide variety of garden problems including non-insect issues. “While most people with orchards will know these oils are used to treat insect issues, they also have application in the treatment for fungal diseases,” he said. Bob will also talk about how these oils may be used for organic gardening. “Many people may regard these oils as intrusive to organic gardening methods, but many are recommended for organic use by certifying organizations including Washington State University,” Bob said. “There are also horticultural oils and other oils which can be substituted for those derived from petroleum and we will show examples of these alternatives.” Bob earned his undergraduate and master’s degrees in biology and chemistry and has a Ph.D. in chemistry. He has 40 years of experience growing vegetables in Scotland, Ireland, Colorado and Washington. Bob has been a veteran of the Clallam County Master Gardeners since 2009. He has written monthly articles on plant disease for the Clallam County Master Gardener Newsletter and is a frequent contributor to gardening columns in the local newspaper. Bob has been celebrated as the 2009 Master Gardener Intern of the Year and 2011 Master Gardener of the Year. He served as the Garden Manager of the Woodcock Demonstration Garden in Sequim for seven years and is a past President and Board member of the Master Gardener Foundation of Clallam County. The Green Thumb Education Series presentation “Horticultural Oils” will be held in person on Thursday, January 25th from noon – 1:00 p.m. at the Episcopal Church, 510 E. Park Avenue in Port Angeles. Or you may join via Zoom from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Meeting ID: 936 2989 8830 Passcode: 676224 Or join by phone: 253-215-8782 The Green Thumb Education Series, sponsored by the Washington State University Clallam County Master Gardeners, is held on the second and fourth Thursday of each month through October. In November, December, and January, one lecture is offered. Scheduled presentations are subject to change. Visit the WSU Extension Clallam County website calendar for the latest information on upcoming presentations. For questions, call 360-565-2678.