Date and Time
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM PST
January 10th 6:30pm
Sunland Golf and Country Club 109 Hilltop Dr Sequim
Contact Information
Rich Wyatt 360 460-2801
Send Email
In celebration of its 40th Anniversary, Juan de Fuca Harmony, formerly known as the Olympic Peninsula Men's Chorus, is kicking off 2023 with a guest night! The group was originally chartered in 1983 as the Juan de Fuca Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society. A few different name changes along the way, the group re-energized their original charter name with "harmony!" Juan de Fuca Harmony will be welcoming all men and women interested in singing with the chorus as our guests on January 10th at 6:30pm at Sunland Golf and Country Club. The chorus will demonstrate our art-form with a few songs and then invite everyone to join us, learning a "tag" or two. Tags are the last part of a song, usually full of luscious, ringing chords, and fairly short, which can quickly get everyone successfully singing in 4-part harmony. Juan de Fuca Harmony are under the Direction of Linda Muldowney. Rehearsals are held every Tuesday evening at 6:30 at Sunland Golf Club located at 109 Hilltop Dr, Sequim. For more information you can go to or send a text message or call --- Ron at (907) 602-7008, Linda at 360-775-6547, or Rich at (360) 460-2801.