Date and Time
Friday May 12, 2023 Saturday May 13, 2023
Friday, May 12, 2023 Noon-10pm Fireworks at Dusk on Friday Saturday, May 13, 2023 10am to 6pm
Blake Lot near Carrie Blake Park Blake Avenue Sequim, WA
No admission fee for attendees. Participant entry fees vary. Applications available on Irrigation Festival website.
The Sequim Irrigation Festival Logging Show will take place over Friday and Saturday during the second full weekend of May as part of the festival’s Grand Finale Weekend. The festivities are currently being finalized, but we expect them to include: Friday, May 12th noon – 10pm: Activities around the logging show grounds Truck and Tractor Pull – starts at noon Mini Bike Barrel Racing Logger’s Ball Fireworks, at dusk Saturday, May 13th 10am – 6pm: Activities around the logging showgrounds Truck and Tractor Pull – all day Logging Show, beginning at 2pm Live Auction of log truckloads Beer Garden and Food Vendors both days. Check out the Irrigation Festival website for more information.