Date and Time
Saturday Mar 4, 2023
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM PST
March 4, activities begin at 10 AM
Carrie Blake Park and Pioneer Park
Contact Information
Patsene Dashiell, City of Sequim Marketing Coordinator
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2nd day of the Sequim Sunshine Festival at Carrie Blake Park to include a Sun Fun Color Run (advance registration required at, Sunshine Market crafts & food vendors inside Guy Cole Center from 10 AM - 7 PM, several non-profit, family-friendly activity booths, outdoor food & beverage vendors, live music by Black Diamond Junction, The Shift, Free Rangers and Tom Shindler throughout the day, community art street painting project from 10 AM to Dusk, Drone show @ 7 PM. Activities at Pioneer Park include PUD Energy Generating Bicycle, Let Your Little Light Shine personal luminary workshop from 1 - 4 PM, and the Interactive Light Experience exhibits inside the Clubhouse from 12 Noon - 6:30 PM.