Date and Time
Wednesday Mar 20, 2024
12:00 PM - 12:45 PM PDT
Wednesday, March 20, 2024 from 12:00-12:45pm PT
Online (Zoom)
Free and open to the public
Contact Information
Kacee Saturay,
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Approximately 164 glaciers are remaining in Olympic National Park, and that number will decrease during our lifetime. In 2023, the park's Artist in Residence program coordinated 40 talented volunteer artists and assigned each one a glacier to be memorialized through a diverse array of media including poetry, painting, fiber arts, film, animation, stained glass, dance, and more. In the next episode of Washington's National Park Fund's popular Virtual Field Trip series, we'll be joined by a project collaborator from the park who will share about this exciting donor-supported project and answer audience questions.