Date and Time
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM PST
Thursday, December 21, from 6 to7:30 p.m.
Sherwood Assisted Living, 550 West Hendrickson Road and
The Fifth Avenue, 500 West Hendrickson Road Sequim
Free to the public -- no admission charge
Contact Information
Janaye Birkland, Marketing and Human Resources Director
Christine Springer, Activities Director
Sherwood Assisted Living
Send Email
Sherwood Assisted Living and The Fifth Avenue are hosting “The 12 Cookies of Christmas.” This is an event open to the public to celebrate the first day of winter with 12 free cookies for each person and live music with award winning country artist Buck Ellard and pianist Isabelle Rose. People can take pictures with Santa and Frosty the Snowman. It promises to be a fun (and free!) event for the whole family.