Public Utility District #1 of Clallam County
Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 4:00 pm (Facilities currently closed due to COVID-19; phones open)
Driving Directions:
From Highway 101 in Carlsborg, head south on Hooker Road and take the first right turn. Follow the road past the warehouse all the way back to the Main Office/Administrative Building.
About Us
In 1940 the people of Clallam County were presented the opportunity to vote on formation of a Public Utility District, the language presented on the ballot for the purpose: “to conserve water and power resources and to supply public utility service, including water and electricity, for all uses.” PUDs are unique in the nation, not-for-profit, by and for the local communities that we serve. The fledgling PUD has since developed three more utilities: water and then sewer, and in 2000 the Legislature authorized PUDs to go into the wholesale telecommunications business. No matter how we grow, we continually strive to fulfill our mission: ''To provide reliable, efficient, safe, and low cost utility services in a financially and environmentally responsible manner.''